Well, a couple of things.

I'm back from my 4000 miles of driving in 9 days, which in my world qualifies as a fantastic vacation.

Fortunately the pleasant Boy-I-Feel-Better buzz lasted all of about 15 seconds when I got back.
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My employment has once again been yanked out from under me (if you're keeping score, it's gone Funding – No Funding – Funding – No Funding in the span of 8 weeks). You'd think that the presence of a signed contract would have prevented this latest episode of fundlessness, but our university apparently has a very novel interpretation of what a signed contract really means.

Thanks to Mike for holding down the fort while I was gone. Unfortunately, that was Mike's last hurrah on ginandtacos. He is off to start his own blog. I encouraged him to simply post here more regularly instead, but I was unpersuasive. I will of course direct you toward it as soon as it's up and running. Ginandtacos was something that Mike and I started many years ago on many an evening among the model soldiers in Mr. Konczal's basement. It's going to feel very odd to keep the ball running alone, although I've essentially been doing so for the better part of the last year.

Mike's humor and non-politics entries always provided an excellent balance to my ranting. Without that, I'm afraid that ginandtacos will cease to be entertaining pretty quickly. Absent any counterbalancing posts about Boston Legal, ginandtacos will take on the uncomfortable feel of a lunatic roaming the sidewalks shouting at random passersby.

Basically, I'm tired and I don't know if I have the energy for it. Having excelled at every form of failure lately (with special achievements in the fields of Career and Relationship) and lacking many remaining friendships, these long, rambling entries make me feel like the electronic equivalent of the guy who stands on the quad with a microphone yelling about Jesus. Having my real life go into the shitter makes pontificating on the internet seem a bit ludicrous. Like a fat person lecturing others about diet and exercise, the sociopolitical commentary of a tenuously-employed 28 year-old with no friends seems pointless at best and hypocritical at worst.

If any regular readers would be interested in doing some content here, let me know via email. I'd like to keep it running but I think that will necessitate having someone else share part of the load and take some of the edge off.

If this site is going to continue, I don't want it to continue as a bile-flavored popsicle. The call goes out for someone slightly less polemical than I. Takers?