This is probably unethical, but such concerns are irrelevant when you are as burned out on grading as I am at the moment. The following is an actual answer from an undergraduate's final exam, which I am quoting verbatim. The question was to define an "externality":

"Externality is the outside side effect that going outside for help can be beneficial, like if we run out of pineapples we could go to another neighboring country + ask for their pineapples."

I need a drink and a shower. My soul hurts.

7 thoughts on “THANKS, PUBLIC SCHOOLS!”

  • Now, I get shit like that all the damn time… but then again, I TEACH NINTH GRADE.

    Two thumbs up for alcohol and showers: the things that make public education possible.

  • Oh, that's hilarious. Sad, but still hilarious.

    I had just run out of pineapples, in fact, but now I know what I can do … go to another country and ask for pineapples.


  • You can call me, 'Sir' says:

    Ah, yes. Teaching Assistant hell. My first semester as a grad student in computer science I taught the CS101-Here's-How-Excel-Works class. Some of the personal issues and endless bouts of whining were truly olympian-esque, but then there was this one dude who stapled a CD with his assignment to the papers that were supposed to accompany it. I got in a little trouble because we were in the hallway and I said, rather loudly, "How the fuck did you do that?" Times like those are precious and really make one treasure the TA experience.

  • Wow, that sentence was almost close…. if you leave out the cause-and-effect and fail to give it a meaningful example. But in his defense, I usually put + instead of an ampersand — although really, should anyone use an ampersand in a Final?

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