This article is about a year old, but its shits-and-giggles value is sufficient to justify re-heating it now after seeing Thomas Friedman go on one of his Dadaist rants on Fox News Sunday.


It's fitting to draw our collective attention to the fantastic hit piece that Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting did on Friedman last summer, cataloguing the fourteen separate occasions over a 30-month period in which he wrote or stated that "the next six months" would either A) bring significant progress to Iraq or B) be some sort of "crucial" or "gut-check" time for Iraq's leaders. Ladies and gentlemen, the Friedman Unit might just be the finest of all possible examples of what's wrong with the flat-earthers who just can't let go……just look at Our Leader's 4-year love affair with the idea that we're just beginning to make progress in Iraq!