Maybe it's the teacher in me, or maybe it's the bile on which I gag when I watch videos of the Republican debate the other evening.
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All I know is that Americans have stunningly little information about politics and I take every chance I can find to educate those around me.

So you think you know politics?

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Let's see how much you really know about your GOP nominees. We're on the honor system here – no cheating. After all, there are no shortcuts to a thriving democracy anywhere except in Paul Bremer's head.

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Check your hubris and sharpen your #2 pencils.

  • 1. Traditional blue-collar jobs are disappearing from the American economy faster than new opportunities are created. What is A) Fred Thompson's solution and B) Rudy Giuliani's solution?
  • 2. Abstinence-only sex education programs are not working as planned. What might make them more effective?
  • 3. If a suspected terrorist in custody may have information about future terrorist attacks but refuses to talk, all GOP candidates except McCain say we should do what?
  • 4. When Rudy Giuliani is asked "What needs to be done to make America safer?" what is his response?
  • 5. How does Mike Huckabee explain the origin of mankind?
  • 6. How did Fred Thompson characterize his record as a member of the Senate?
  • 7. What is the consensus exit strategy among the candidates for the war in Iraq?
  • 8. How does Mitt Romney propose to deal with the alleged threats posed by Iran?
  • 9. Ron Paul differs from his colleagues on many issues. On what key points is he similar to the rest of the field?
  • 10. When presented with a hypothetical scenario in which significantly raising taxes would prevent gay marriage, end abortion, and send Iran back to the stone age, how would the leading candidates (Thompson, Romney, Giuliani) respond?
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    When you've stared at your responses long enough to be convinced that you cannot improve upon them, click beyond the jump below for the correct answers. If you scored less than 8 out of 10, you clearly don't know your GOP.

    1. A) Cut taxes B) Cut taxes, 9/11

    2. Cutting taxes

    3. Cut his taxes, then torture him

    4. 9/11

    5. Congress cut God's taxes, which gave Him incentive to be more productive. He took the money he saved when the Dividend Tax was repealed used it to create man.

    6. Tax-cuttingly effective

    7. 9/11

    8. Cut taxes. 9/11.

    9. Cut taxes. 9/11.

    10. Their heads would explode. 9/11.


    • Aw, man! I was all prepared to come up with a bunch of joke answers… but I guess I can't really be any more ridiculous than they actually were.

    • See, this is why I knew that offering my opinion to the "By Definition, Someone Must Win" post was a terrible, terrible move. I bet on Thompson for skills that he's shown as an actor, which simply have not translated at *all* in his ability to 'perform' without a director, lights, and no audience. My bad, and I recind my earlier prediction.

      But it does seem as if the press is finally getting around to 'calling' the race by focusing squarely on one or two candidates, which is the point at which all the others should just hang up their hats and go home. Hillary is the presumptive winner on the Dem side; not even Obama is getting one half of her coverage. Barring a Hart-like implosion (still possible), she'll get it. On the Rep side, it's either Giuliani or Romney–and if/when that happens, look for a major third-party candidate to emerge, since neither of those two will appeal to the zealots, who will throw up (pun intended) a Perot-alternative to satisfy their political bloodlust. Who will split the vote, giving Hillary the win.

      I will, no doubt, have to recind this prediction as well.

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