JD Vance radiates incredible "Goebbels murdering* his own children so they won't have to live in a world without Hitler" energy.
*making his wife do it then killing her too ...
Falling for “the waste inspector (who has the sole, unchecked power to define what waste is and defines it as anything he doesn’t like) sure is finding a lot of waste!“ doesn’t even rise to the level of being conned by the wallet inspector. It’s “got your nose” stuff. Infantile. It's the kind of thing that if you hear it and it makes sense on its face, a responsible adult in your life should probably have power of attorney over you. ...
Anyone else old enough to remember when airports had vending machines in the terminals for passengers to buy life insurance before they got on the plane? It was legal (and common!) until about the mid-80s.
I'll bump this when they make it legal again in June and release an app for it. ...
Folks I know it seems too obvious to bother saying but we should say it anyway; this guy is out of his fucking mind.
If someone sat near you on public transit or in a restaurant said this sequence of words in the tone of voice in which this is meant to be read, you would get up and move. You would feel unsafe in their presence. You would want to get them help without endangering them or yourself. ...
Mike says:
In retrospect, should the democrats gone ahead at let the Republicans remove the ability to filibuster from the Senate back with all that bru-ha-ha in 2005?
Ed says:
It's funny how it never occured to retards like Bill Frist that the rule change could someday be used against the GOP, isn't it? But you have to remember, I suppose, that the rule change was being discussed back in the "permanent republican majority" days.
Fortunately there were a few Republicans who realized that they might not be in power forever. Yes, had the rules been amended the GOP would be looking at a first-class reaming in a few weeks. I suppose the Democrats could change the rule, although I think that would inspire a lot of backlash.