It took me about 45 seconds to vote.

Good thing everybody freaked out and waited in line for 3 hours to vote early.
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Really cleared things out for me.

I am going to post an election chat-style thread. Too lazy to set it up as an actual chat, but if anyone wants to make this your election night HQ I'll be thrilled to use the thread comments as a faux-chat.

19 thoughts on “TONIGHT TONIGHT”

  • Reports so far in Milwaukee are that voting is taking between 30 and 45 minutes. At 7:50 am this morning where I live it was 10 minutes. Even my 3 year old daughter handled it without a problem.

    Any reports from major university polling locations? At UW Madison in 2000 the line was 2+ hours long all day long.

  • Took me about 30 min at 7:30 this morning, though a coworker who lives up in Hamilton county said it took her something like 2 1/2 hours.

    Also, I heard on NPR at noon that there had already been 2 or 3 cases of election officials being removed from their stations here in Indy (and one "fleeing the scene") because they were exclusively challenging Democratic voters.

  • We voted early and stood in line for over 2 hours. I walked by the local polling place around 1pm and there was no line visible. A poll worker said it had cleared up 5-10 minutes before. The Old Lady found a site to check on your voting and it said that our votes had been counted. Whether our votes were counted correctly is a different story as there is no paper trail.

  • In 1998, Dane County (Madison) *ran out of ballots*. Madison has exceptionally high turnout overall. It would not surprise me one bit if it was ridiculous again this year.

    Bloomington polling locations look pretty unspectacular. I think the overwhelming numbers of early voters have put a dent in the potential for long lines in urban areas.

  • Bloomington report – in line at the poll at 5:40, 20th and 21st in line. When the doors opened at 6, there were about 80 people in line. Line was still snaking out the door when we left at 6:30.

    Plenty of voting machines, what took the most time was waiting for the elderly poll workers to find your name in the voting rolls even while holding your mandated picture ID with your last name. 7 machines set up, but only 3 in use at a time because of the check-in process.

  • Cross your fingers for CA Prop 8 – the Constitutional Ban on gay marriage in California – to fail. It's a coin toss right now, with a lot of nationwide religious groups donating tons of money and time to use this as a firewall.

  • Fucking Prop 8. I want to kick all of its supporters in the teeth.

    Rage distracts me from my real point, which is that at my polling location (Marion County), there was no wait (but there *were* slow poll workers!) and also no "I Voted" stickers. WHAT IS THE POINT OF VOTING, OH EM GEE.

    In other news, at least two of my coworkers reported very long lines (Hamilton, Question Marks) and another one (the Most Annoying Human Ever) reported no line at all, even after he took a personal day to vote. The lack of line at his polling place means that he came to work after all to play Nintendo DS with his sub (a friend of his) and wander the halls annoying people, rather than sending his sub home and teaching his classes. WTFOMG.

  • Anyone willing to throw out predictions on the EV count? Would be interesting to see the consensus…

    For what it's worth, I'll go with Obama/Biden 318 to McCain/Palin 220

  • I predicted 338 to 200 for Obama on Daily Kos.
    If it's worth even noting, it took me about 3 minutes to vote in Moline, IL. My special Lady said it took her 10 minutes at the same polling place some hours later.
    Prop 8 has to lose. Just has to…

  • Since I just got a new job and moved to a new state, I voted absentee a week ago. Connecticut's ballot was pretty dull, but there was one interesting thing: a two-part referendum.

    The first was part whether or not there should be a constitutional convention to amend the state constitution, and the second was whether or not the constitution should be amended to allow people who turn 18 before election day to vote in primaries.

    Just to be confusing, I voted that the constitution should be amended as such, but also that there should not be a constitutional convention. Take that, logic!

    I am now going to go hide in a dark movie theater for several hours. Here's hoping that things go well tonight.

  • The AJC website says wait times are all over the map in the Atlanta area — in and out in minutes at some locations, many hours at others.

    My plan for the evening involves alcohol and the Dirty Jobs marathon on Discovery. I'll wait until morning to hear results — I'm too getting too old to sit through the pundits pontificating and analyzing exit polls for hours on end.

  • How I got my Republican friend to believe Obama was going to win the election:

    Me: Obama is going to win today.

    Friend: No way. *some rambling about preconditions and Iran*

    Me: It's 75 degrees in Chicago today. How often does that happen in November?

    Friend: So what's your point?

    Me: Obama is from Chicago

    Friend: Must be a message from God… damn you're right. He's going to win.

  • Schultzenhaben says:

    I really hope Obama owns. My optimistic prediction is 364 to 174 in favor of Obama. Just as a kick in the nuts, I also kind of hope that Obama takes Arizona.

    I'm currently in Australia, so I'll be watching here until the end… it's probably not healthy.

  • That's a Yo!, instead of a You.

    Also listening to Sean Hannity is wonderful. The election is totally up for grabs right now, evidently.

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