In one of the most stunning(ly retarded) examples of hysteria since the days of stocking up on duct tape and plastic bags to fortify one's home against dirty nuclear bombs, Barack Obama's victory has triggered a buying frenzy at America's gun retailers. The disturbed jockey with the merely paranoid for the opportunity to purchase totally unnecessary levels of firepower before such weapons become as illegal as burglary and heterosexual marriage under the reign of liberalism.
You are probably assuming that these waves of gun buyers are merely concerned that the libruls are going to take away their high-capacity handguns, 30-round magazines, and .50 caliber sniper rifles originally designed to shoot holes in armored vehicles. Mr. David Greenberg of the unironically named Second Amendment Family Gun Shop in Arizona confirms this school of thought, noting that "(the) day after the election, I had many more calls than usual from people looking for semi-automatic rifles." These kinds of weapons are vulnerable to legislation like the Assault Weapons Ban which expired in 2004. They are also inarguably essential for home defense and little-dick compensation.
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But if you think that this hysteria is all about the fear of impending legislation, well, let me disabuse you of that stupid, potentially treasonous assumption.
Buyers are also acutely aware that we are on the verge of a full-fledged race war. President-elect Obama is no doubt going to "exact retribution for the legacy of slavery," most likely by rounding up and gassing huge numbers of white people. Other concerned buyers avoid the contentious specter of race and refer only to generalized "civil unrest" motivated by the poor economy as the reason for stocking up. These concerns are perfectly reasonable. When the black crackheads and secular humanists show up at your door, it'll take more than colorful language to protect your family.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
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"Ed, even if we accept this paranoia at face value, can't one suitably defend one's home with the hundreds of firearms that don't fall under any conceivable restrictions on gun ownership?" Well, no, you ignorant bastard. Today's roving bands of murdering black thugs are armed with weapons that leave America's slovenly white G. Gordon Liddy fans at an embarassing disadvantage.
Don't forget that civil unrest is only half of the problem; Obama's Gestapo-like ATF will also be breaking down the doors of the God-fearing. And history has proven repeatedly that only one thing can protect private citizens when that happens: standing in the doorway armed to the teeth and shouting "You'll get my guns when you pry them from my cold, dead hands!"

This has to be a mixed bag for gun retailers. Sure, Christmas 2008 will be a great and possibly record-setting month.
But in six months one of two things will be true: either everyone who wants a .50 cal will have one and sales will taper off or the Second Amendment will be repealed and all gun shops will be converted to gay wedding chapels. If you've been reading the truth about B. Hussein Obama, the stories the mainstream media don't want you to read, I think you know which one of those two outcomes is more likely.
Ike says:
I work with some of these folks. I know one guy who recently took out a $10,000 loan to buy more guns. I pointed out that with a new wife and daughter he should be spending his pay on something besides his toys. I personally have one rifle and two handguns, one of which is a .22 passed down from my grandfather. I am well equipped to bag a deer, blast a burgler, or put rabbits in the stew pot. If some sort of Armageddon happens, one pistol will be holstered on my hip and the rifle will be in a sling over my shoulder. It is beyond me why someone would need to "stock up" on guns. Two hands to hold one rifle. If one rifle is not enough, two will do no better.
Kati says:
The conservatives are worried about their guns and the libruls are worried about Obama's "centrist right" cabinet picks. It never ends.
Chris says:
Bowling for Columbine was on TV the other day, and this post made me think of the gun situation/mindset in America. Americans have such a huge fear mentality. Most of the people that are really afraid live the absolutely most boring lives in the quietest of suburbs and are pumped full of fear and lies daily by Fixed News or Rush Limpdick. And what do people do when they get afraid? Buy guns! I guess there isn't a problem out there that can't be solved with a spray of buck shot. What bothers me is that the same people are not terrified of George Bush or Dick Cheney, when there is so much more reason to do so! A gay person or an African American should be the least of people's worries. OMG, a non-white or non-heterosexual trying to live their life and pursue happiness! Break out the AK-47 and barricade the windows!
Kulkuri says:
Have you noticed that the ones that travel in herds are the dumb ones (cows, sheep, etc…). It wouldn't bother me at all if all the gun shops became gay wedding chapels. There would still be plenty of stores that sell guns for legal purposes. Used to have a couple of .22's, a 20ga shotgun, and a 7.62mm for deer hunting. They all got ripped off when the apartment was burgled. Now I have a 30-30 for deer hunting. I might have to go out and get some more guns to protect myself from all those that are buying guns now. Someone once said "Beware of stupid people in large numbers"!!
Jason says:
Capitalism at it's finest, nothing sells product like a good panic, and nobody can whip up a nutritional breakfast of panic like the NRA.
well basically says:
In 2004, he voted against legislation drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion.
In 2003, he voted in support of legislation that would have effectively banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in Illinois.
And in 1996, Obama supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.
It's not his rhetoric its his votes that people are concerned with.
Gerald Wadsworth says:
NEED WE SAY MORE? If you thought that the government was looking out for you – in any administration – then think again. Coming to a city near you…
Published on The Smirking Chimp (
With Shot and Shell, or "Modular Crowd Control Munitions"…We Must Bend to Empire's Will
By Mike Ferner
Created Dec 9 2008 – 9:12am
"Violence is the first refuge of the incompetent."
– Isaac Asimov
The Army Times reported on September 30 [1] that a combat brigade, about 4,000 troops, which could be called on for "civil unrest and crowd control," had been assigned inside the United States for the first time since Reconstruction.
Civil libertarians reacted immediately, noting the Posse Comitatus Act [2] prohibits federal military personnel from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States. Peace activists condemned the decision as well. "It is a sad day for America when our government is preparing to protect itself by using the military on its own citizens," Michael McPhearson, Director of Veterans For Peace, said in response to the news.
Now, in a December 1 story, the Washington Post reports that the Pentagon plans to have not just that 4,000, but 20,000 uniformed troops inside the U. S. by 2011. Dedicating 20,000 troops to domestic response "would have been extraordinary to the point of unbelievable," Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said, but the realization that civilian authorities may be overwhelmed in a catastrophe prompted "a fundamental change in military culture."
The report in the Post made no mention of "civil unrest and crowd control," focusing instead on the troops' ability to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe.
However, the Army Times report of September notes that the First Brigade Combat Team's commander, Col. Roger Cloutier, said his soldiers will learn how to use the first ever package of so-called "nonlethal" weapons the Army has fielded, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and weapons designed to subdue individuals without killing them.
"It's a new modular package of nonlethal capabilities…they've been using pieces of it in Iraq, but this is the first time that these modules were consolidated and this package fielded, and because of this mission we're undertaking we were the first to get it," Cloutier added."
Where are these unruly American crowds and who are the dangerous individuals these "nonlethal" weapons will be used on? Exactly what is in the Pentagon and local police department arsenals?
The answers are hidden in plain sight on the internet. Go on down the rabbit hole and find out. Here is a small sampling of what the Mad Hatter has in mind.
* Raytheon Corp.'s Active Denial System, designed for crowd control in combat zones, uses an energy beam to induce an intolerable heating sensation [3], like a hot iron placed on the skin. It is effective beyond the range of small arms, in excess of 400 meters. Company officials have been advised they could expand the market by selling a smaller, tripod-mounted version for police forces.
* The FN 303 [4], from FN Herstal Corp [5]., fires a .68 caliber, plastic shell loaded with optional orange dye and Oleoresin Capsicum (red pepper) that has "inflammatory properties that force the eyes to shut, while causing an intense stinging sensation to the skin, throat, and nose. The result is total incapacitance (sic) lasting for up to 45 minutes." Range 50 meters.
* M5 Modular Crowd Control Munition [6], with a range of 30 meters "is similar in operation to a claymore mine, but it delivers…a strong, nonpenetrating blow to the body with multiple sub-munitions (600 rubber balls)."
* Long Range Acoustic Device or "The Scream," is a powerful megaphone the size of a satellite dish that can emit sound "50 times greater than the human threshold for pain" at close range, causing permanent hearing damage. The L.A. Times wrote U.S. Marines in Iraq [7] used it in 2004. It can deliver recorded warnings in Arabic and, on command, emit a piercing tone…"[For] most people, even if they plug their ears, [the device] will produce the equivalent of an instant migraine," says Woody Norris, chairman of American Technology Corp., the San Diego firm that produces the weapon. "It will knock [some people] on their knees." CBS News reported in 2005 that the Israeli Army first used the device [8] in the field to break up a protest against Israel's separation wall. "Protesters covered their ears and grabbed their heads, overcome by dizziness and nausea, after the vehicle-mounted device began sending out bursts of audible, but not loud, sound at intervals of about 10 seconds…A military official said the device emits a special frequency that targets the inner ear."
* In "Non-lethal Technologies: An Overview," [9] Lewer and Davison describe a lengthy catalog of new weaponry including the "Directed Stick Radiator," a hand-held system based on the same technology as The Scream. "It fires high intensity Œsonic bullets' or pulses of sound between 125ˆ150db for a second or two. Such a weapon could, when fully developed, have the capacity to knock people off their feet."
* The Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies at Penn State University is testing a "Distributed Sound and Light Array Debilitator [10]" a.k.a. the "puke ray." [11] The colors and rhythm of light are absorbed by the retina and disorient the brain, blinding the victim for several seconds. In conjunction with disturbing sounds it can make the person stumble or feel nauseated. Foreign Policy in Focus reports that the Department of Homeland Security, with $1 million invested for testing the device, hopes to see it "in the hands of thousands of policemen, border agents and National Guardsmen" by 2010.
* New Scientist reports [12] that the (I'm not making this up) Inertial Capacitive Incapacitator (ICI) [13], developed by the Physical Optics Corporation of Torrance, California, uses a thin-film storage device charged during manufacture that only discharges when it strikes the target. It can be incorporated into a ring-shaped aerofoil and fired from a standard grenade launcher at low velocity, while still maintaining a flat trajectory for maximum accuracy.
* Aiming beyond Tasers, the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency [14], (FY 2009 budget [15]: $1B) the domestic equivalent of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), plans to develop wireless weapons effective over greater distances, such as in an auditorium or sports stadium, or on a city street. One such device, the Piezer [16], uses piezoelectric crystals that produce voltage when they are compressed. A 12-gauge shotgun fires the crystals, stunning the target with an electric shock on impact. Lynntech of College Station, Texas, is developing a projectile Taser [17] that can be fired from a shotgun or 40-mm grenade launcher to increase greatly the weapon's current range of seven meters.
* "Off the Rocker and On the Floor: Continued Development of Biochemical Incapacitating Weapons [18]," a report by the Bradford Disarmament Research Centre revealed that in 1992, the National Institute of Justice contracted with Lawrence Livermore National Lab to review clinical anaesthetics for use by special ops military forces and police. LLNL concluded the best option was an opioid, like fentanyl, effective at very low doses compared to morphine. Combined with a patch soaked in DMSO (dimethylsufoxide, a solvent) and fired from an air rifle, fentanyl could be delivered to the skin even through light clothing. Another recommended application for the drug was mixed with fine powder and dispersed as smoke.
* After upgrades, the infamous "Puff the Magic Dragon" gunship from the Vietnam War is now the AC-130. "Non-Lethal Weaponry: Applications to AC-130 Gunships [19]," observes that "With the increasing involvement of US military in operations other than war…" the AC-130 "would provide commanders a full range of non-lethal weaponry from an airborne platform which was not previously available to them." The paper concludes in part that "As the use of non-lethal weapons increases and it becomes valid and acceptable, more options will become available."
* Prozac and Zoloft are two of over 100 pharmaceuticals identified by the Penn State College of Medicine and the university's Applied Research Lab for further study as "non-lethal calmatives." These Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), noted the Penn State study [20], "…are found to be highly effective for numerous behavioral disturbances encountered in situations where a deployment of a non-lethal technique must be considered. This class of pharmaceutical agents also continues to be under intense development by the pharmaceutical industry…New compounds under development (WO 09500194) are being designed with a faster onset of action. Drug development is continuing at a rapid rate in this area due to the large market for the treatment of depression (15 million individuals in North America)…It is likely that an SSRI agent can be identified in the near future that will feature a rapid rate of onset."
Not surprisingly, the Air University [21], Maxwell AFB publishes an extensive bibliography on these weapons, but since 2001 it's been civilian academia's turn to belly up to Uncle Sam's rapidly growing trough. In addition to Penn State's Applied Research Lab, run as part of its Homeland Security Initiative [22], the University of New Hampshire established the so-called Non-lethal Technology Innovation Center with a grant from the so-called Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directory, and John Hopkins University and MIT are just two of many other colleges chasing federal grants for this work.
All of which seems to prove the old saw that, even if you've got 120 kinds of hammers, "When all you've got is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail." With shot and shell or "The Scream" and "Puke Ray," we must bend to Empire's will or suffer the consequences.
Mike Ferner is author of "Inside the Red Zone: A Veteran For Peace Reports from Iraq [23]."
Shane says:
Please please please tell me there will be an upcoming post on Mr. Blagojevich. No one else I know can give it the proper treatment it deserves like you can.
Larry Yates says:
This is an excellent post, but I don't think it goes far enough. Some of these people are not thinking self-defense, or at least not in the sense of staying home and waiting for something to happen. They want to keep their traditional prerogative as white males to hold the rest of the population down, which includes midnight reprisals and the occasional random act of terrorism. Let's not forget that white males (and I am one, so there) are the only group in this country that actually has a tradition of armed terrorism, especially in the South, where it was essential to maintaining Jim Crow. Automatic weapons are weapons of intimidation and enforcement, not defense.
Jason says:
What Shane said.
Batocchio says:
Insanity is good for business.
Jeremy says:
"I have an interest in guns and handguns…"
longnow says:
Being a city cliff dweller I would not mind owning a pistolero or two.
My reason being that I know the crime rate is going to go up in proportion
to the Dow doing down. Unofficial unemployment is going to hit 18% in 2009
and I would have to think seriously about contracting out for some non-lethal
defensive measures. The subways in NYC will go a little crazy probably
like they did in the 80's when every Friday night became payday in the
subway. But I don't think about it much unlike the libertarian/ republican
small penis compensation crowd. That said, if you combine the above with another
911 type of attack it will not be nice in NYC.
Nick says:
A couple things here:
First, you have two links claiming that those buying guns are the ones concerned about a black president/coming race war/whatever, but in both links, the only quote to that effect is from the same sociology professor who is engaging in an absurd dismissal of a valid concern of gun owners. By "valid," I don't necessarily mean that owning guns is awesome, only that Obama's voting record shows pretty clearly that he isn't a fan of gun rights, and with a Democrat-controlled Congress it's the first time since 1994 that there's a serious potential for broad gun control legislation. Thus, if you are big on the Second Amendment, now really is not a bad time to buy the kind of guns that could conceivably be banned pretty soon.
This does not mean that everyone who's purchased an AR-15 in the last couple months is a raging racist who probably wants to kill Obama or at least get some lynching done on the local level. By characterizing them as such, you're engaging in the same kind of reductive labeling and overbroad generalization that you so often (and correctly) call out right-wingers for. While it's obviously true that pro-gun people tend to be more conservative, huge numbers of them are social libertarians, and thus unconcerned about things like gay wedding chapels. If you're pro-gun control, that's fine, but make a valid argument that doesn't involve the same kind of idiotic name-calling that Hannity and Limbaugh make a career of.
Now, do I think that the fears of the people buying guns are justified? In some ways, yes, as mentioned above; however, I think enough Democrats realize that gun control legislation was at least partially responsible for the ass-kicking they got in 1994 that there won't be a lot of new gun laws, at least right off the bat. That said, if I didn't already have two "assault weapons" (God, do I hate that term; when someone from the Brady Campaign can explain to me why a Ruger Mini-14 is an "assault weapon" while the functionally identical Ruger Ranch Rifle is a "sporting rifle" without relying on the argument that it just looks meaner, maybe I'll rethink my position) I would consider buying one just in case.
On the plus side, of course, when the people who have done stupid shit like take out loans to buy guns realize that they were being morons, that will result in lots of barely-used guns at low prices for those of us smart enough to wait.
Nick says:
Also, the picture caption made me giggle.
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