Every day I read about President Bush's free-falling approval ratings (now at record lows for those of you keeping score) and desperate efforts to have history remember him as something other than the architect of a failed military quagmire. And throughout it all I can't help but wonder about the identity and mindset of people who are suddenly changing their opinion about him from the positive category to the negative.
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Did we learn something since November that we didn't know beforehand?
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I can't get angry about it given the overwhelming sense of pity I feel towards them. It must really, really suck to know that you are entirely too stupid to have figured out in 2004 what the intelligent among us knew in 1998.
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  • Hear, hear. When I was in Philly this weekend I had to wait at the airport for a lost suitcase for more then two hours. A plane load of returning Iraq servicemen came in. While waiting in the lounge I bought them a round of drinks because my heart goes out to them for being made to fight in that unjust war. Of course it was a small sample but suffice to say there were no Bush fans that I could detect.

  • Don't worry, he'll also be remember for the housing bubble too. Perhaps people have changed their mind about gay marriages and the Swift Boats since 11/04?

  • I think the turning point (apart from Iraq's quagmire, from which we continue to get increasingly 'Nam-like claims from the government–an increase in violence means the insurgents are desperate and on the point of collapse–a decrease means they're failing and on the point of collapse–we can't lose, people, will you just TRUST us on this???) was the staggeringly dumb decision to 'reform' Social Security. Bush charged out there with that one and suddenly found himself alone, since the whole Congress stayed behind, suddenly having to, you know, catch up on their paperwork. Because unlike George, THEY have to run for re-election soon, and S.S. ain't called the third rail for nothing. So George is seen as sticking to an incredibly unpopular policy shift–one that reveals that he's actually determined to make government do more harm than good–while ignoring the will of the people. What was Karl Rove thinking…?

  • The impetus for pushing the S.S. plan was the fact that the current system is broken and headed for bankruptcy. The only minor problem is that Bush's plan doesn't appear to have the faintest chance of fixing it. Or working at all, for that matter.

    I steal liberally from Tim Tilton when I summarize the problem with this whole "private accounts" nonsense as Pension Fund Socialism. Want the government to have a command position in the market economy? No faster way to do that than to make the SSA managers of what amount to a bunch of $500 billion mutual funds.

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