If you did not notice during the Super Bowl halftime show last Sunday, please treat yourself to Mr. Springsteen teabagging America. Nay, teabagging the world. Had the final play of the first half not been the most brutal of the game I might have been better able to enjoy the show.

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Including, but not limited to, The Boss's taint.

3 thoughts on “AMERICA: TEABAGGED”

  • Unfortunately, I watched the game with people who don't like Springsteen and didn't want to watch the show. Including one who reads this blog – sorry! :-)

  • Honey, you were a guest in their home… if you wanted to watch The Boss so badly, then *you* could have cleaned the basement, bathed the cat, made the chili, and invited them over.

    Besides, as you are a Springsteen fan, and if the general consensus of the reviews are to be believed, then you would only have been disappointed. The teabagging was just the tip of the iceburg. Lyrics were changed to include football references. A song was played from the new album. They SAVED you.

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